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Checkmate - Crypto - TCT_CTF
- Authors
- Name
- Hamza Haroon
- @thegr1ffyn
No human would play like this lol
Starting with the file, we can simply check this file type on Google where we get the following answer. Portable Game Notation (PGN) is a standard plain text format for recording chess games (both the moves and related data), which can be read by humans and is also supported by most chess software.
After some research, I found out that it is possible to exploit .pgn
files to hide data inside. Some of the resources, I went through are as follows.
- Chestega chess-steganography
- https://www.giac.org/paper/gsec/4127/stenganography-chess-pgn-standard-format/106529
- https://lobste.rs/s/ikxxhw/hiding_messages_chess_games
- https://github.com/Alheimsins/chess-steg-cli
- https://incoherency.co.uk/chess-steg/
- https://indianexpress.com/article/puzzles-and-games/info/chess-games-cloud-storage-creative-coding-cryptography-brainteasers-9567020/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/ad9nl2/chess_steganography_encodedecode_data_in_chess/
However, after trying all the approaches, it was a good learning point but not really helpful with the exploitation.
I found https://github.com/Alheimsins/chess-steg-cli which is a tool that unstegs pgn moves. Since, we had thousands of moves, automation is my best friend for such tasks. I wrote two scripts, where I first sorted the given output.pgn
file to moves
and then read those moves to check for any unsteg moves. The scripts were as follows:
def read_and_write_pgn(file_path, output_file_path):
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
lines = file.readlines()
moves = set() # Use a set to ensure uniqueness
move_started = False
for line in lines:
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith('1.'):
move_started = True
moves.add(line) # Add the first move line
elif move_started:
if line == '*':
break # Stop when reaching the end of moves
if line: # If the line is not empty
# Write the unique moves to a new file
with open(output_file_path, 'w') as output_file:
for move in sorted(moves):
output_file.write(move + '\n')
# Usage
input_file_path = 'output.pgn' # Update this path
output_file_path = 'newpgn.txt' # Specify output file path
read_and_write_pgn(input_file_path, output_file_path)
and used the following to check
# Path to your output file with unique moves
# Loop through each line in the file
while IFS= read -r line; do
# Run the chess-steg command with the current line
result=$(chess-steg -u "$line" 2>&1) # Capture both stdout and stderr
# Check for an error in the output
if [[ $result == *"Error"* ]]; then
echo "Output for move : Not found"
echo "Output for move '$line':"
echo "$result"
echo "-----------------------------"
done < "$input_file"
But, it wasnt helpful at all. Wasted half of my time here, but this is another approach to a future CTF challenge.
After some more recce, I found a video which I think is a beautiful explanation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUtafoC4-7k&t=173s
I found a tool named ChessEncryption
which encrypt files into large sets of Chess games stored in PGN format. This is a library so you will need to import functions from decode.py
and encode.py
to use this https://github.com/WintrCat/chessencryption
However, I was unable to get this tool/library setup on my system due to lack of documentation. (please make good documents guys).
I had to get my hands dirty and I edited the script according to my need where my final script became
from time import time
from math import log2
from chess import pgn, Board
from io import StringIO
def read_pgn_file(pgn_file_path: str) -> str:
with open(pgn_file_path, "r") as file:
return file.read()
def get_pgn_games(pgn_string: str) -> list[pgn.Game]:
games = []
pgn_reader = StringIO(pgn_string)
while True:
game = pgn.read_game(pgn_reader)
if game is None:
return games
def decode(pgn_string: str, output_file_path: str):
start_time = time()
total_move_count = 0
games = get_pgn_games(pgn_string)
with open(output_file_path, "w") as output_file:
output_file = open(output_file_path, "ab")
output_data = ""
for game_index, game in enumerate(games):
chess_board = Board()
game_moves = list(game.mainline_moves())
total_move_count += len(game_moves)
for move_index, move in enumerate(game_moves):
legal_move_ucis = [
for legal_move in list(chess_board.generate_legal_moves())
move_binary = bin(
if (
game_index == len(games) - 1
and move_index == len(game_moves) - 1
max_binary_length = min(
8 - (len(output_data) % 8)
max_binary_length = int(log2(
required_padding = max(0, max_binary_length - len(move_binary))
move_binary = ("0" * required_padding) + move_binary
output_data += move_binary
if len(output_data) % 8 == 0:
int(output_data[i * 8 : i * 8 + 8], 2)
for i in range(len(output_data) // 8)
output_data = ""
"\nSuccessfully decoded PGN with "
+ f"{len(games)} game(s), {total_move_count} total move(s)"
+ f" ({round(time() - start_time, 3)}s)."
pgn_file_path = "output.pgn"
output_file_path = "output.bin"
pgn_string = read_pgn_file(pgn_file_path)
decode(pgn_string, output_file_path)
After running the script, it took around 90 seconds and I was happy to get the following response.
└─$ python3 new.py
Successfully decoded PGN with 2811 game(s), 586350 total move(s) (94.426s).
I checked the output, and we had the PNG header which means we got an image. Voila :)
└─$ cat output.bin
Moving this data to a png
file, and opening the image, we had our flag :)
mv output.bin output.png
Appreciation for the challenge author Strangek for a very unique challenge
Code In-depth explaination
This code reads a Portable Game Notation (PGN) file containing chess games, decodes the games, and then converts the moves into a binary format that is saved in a file. Here’s a breakdown of what each part of the code does:
1. Import Statements
from time import time
: This imports thetime
function to measure the execution time of the program.from math import log2
: This imports thelog2
function to compute the binary logarithm (log base 2).from chess import pgn, Board
: Imports thepgn
module to read PGN files and theBoard
class to simulate chess positions.from io import StringIO
: ImportsStringIO
to treat strings as file-like objects.
2. Functions
read_pgn_file(pgn_file_path: str) -> str
a) - Reads the contents of a PGN file located at
and returns the content as a string.
def read_pgn_file(pgn_file_path: str) -> str:
with open(pgn_file_path, "r") as file:
return file.read()
get_pgn_games(pgn_string: str) -> list[pgn.Game]
b) - Takes a PGN string and returns a list of
objects by reading and parsing the PGN data. - Uses
to treat the PGN string as a stream and reads each game until no more games are found.
def get_pgn_games(pgn_string: str) -> list[pgn.Game]:
games = []
pgn_reader = StringIO(pgn_string)
while True:
game = pgn.read_game(pgn_reader)
if game is None:
return games
decode(pgn_string: str, output_file_path: str)
c) - This is the main function that processes the chess games and writes the moves in binary format to the
Key steps inside the function:
Time Measurement: It records the start time using
start_time = time()
.Initialize Move Counting:
keeps track of the total number of moves in all games.Fetch Games: Calls
to parse the PGN string and returns a list of games.Prepare for Output: Opens the output file in binary mode (
) for writing the moves in binary form.Loop Over Games: For each game, it sets up a
object representing the chessboard, simulates the moves, and processes each move.For each move, it generates all legal moves (
), finds the index of the actual move in the list of legal moves, and encodes that index as a binary string.It determines the required number of bits to represent the move using
, ensuring proper padding to fit the binary format.Once enough bits are collected to form a byte (8 bits), the function writes them as bytes to the output file.
Edge Case Handling: For the last move of the last game, it ensures that the binary data fits correctly into the 8-bit format, truncating or padding as needed.
def decode(pgn_string: str, output_file_path: str):
start_time = time()
total_move_count = 0
games = get_pgn_games(pgn_string)
with open(output_file_path, "w") as output_file:
output_file = open(output_file_path, "ab")
output_data = ""
for game_index, game in enumerate(games):
chess_board = Board()
game_moves = list(game.mainline_moves())
total_move_count += len(game_moves)
for move_index, move in enumerate(game_moves):
legal_move_ucis = [
for legal_move in list(chess_board.generate_legal_moves())
move_binary = bin(
if (
game_index == len(games) - 1
and move_index == len(game_moves) - 1
max_binary_length = min(
8 - (len(output_data) % 8)
max_binary_length = int(log2(
required_padding = max(0, max_binary_length - len(move_binary))
move_binary = ("0" * required_padding) + move_binary
output_data += move_binary
if len(output_data) % 8 == 0:
int(output_data[i * 8 : i * 8 + 8], 2)
for i in range(len(output_data) // 8)
output_data = ""
"\nSuccessfully decoded PGN with "
+ f"{len(games)} game(s), {total_move_count} total move(s)"
+ f" ({round(time() - start_time, 3)}s)."
3. Main Program Flow
- Reads the PGN data from
. - Calls the
function, which decodes the chess games and writes the moves in binary tooutput.bin
pgn_file_path = "output.pgn"
output_file_path = "output.bin"
pgn_string = read_pgn_file(pgn_file_path)
decode(pgn_string, output_file_path)
Key Points:
- Binary Move Representation: Each move is encoded as a binary index based on its position in the list of legal moves. This allows compression of the chess game data.
- Efficient Writing: Data is written to the binary output file only when a full byte (8 bits) of move data is available.
- Logging: The program prints a summary of how many games and moves were processed, along with the time taken to decode.